vous êtes ici pour rester. restez.

ce weekend passé, les horloges ont eu leurs aiguilles forcés à nouveau, nous lassant lasses et désorientés encore une fois, est-ce la dernière fois, Ursula? les voiles du vide transparentes de plus en plus, les échos s’attachent à nous. Elles dansent comme les lucioles à travers les cercles des prêtresses toutes réunies autour du feu…

Damocles’ sword or truth reporting?

Vocabulary is not simply about words on a blank page inking up line after line, paragraph after paragraph. Vocabulary is first a choice. Which narrative do we want to pursue? Which narrative do we want to present? There is  journalism out there, who wish to pursue the cash flow. There are those who want to…

When we question the meaning of red in another form

The etymology of Granada is probably not the same as grenade and grenadier, right? We will see this together. Nor is it a neutral territory, right? Perhaps, there are revendications or represents a strategic coordinate, geographically. Regardless the reasonings, Granada presents itself as candidate for a negotiation match or in common terms, a battle of…

Writing is an exercise.

I am having trouble concentrating on loop-forming word after word these days. Every stroke is a slant weaving in and out before zoning out completely. A veil drifts forth from the left to the right. If it is the screentime, the eyes have already protested. If it is time clicking away, my fingers have not…

they call us little warriors

What is it about vibrancy? Is it the will to live? Is it determination? Someone in the disabled community uses the word “warrior” to describe our manner of going through the world. It’s a beautiful analogy. Because many of us deal with pain and the need to live slowly, “warrior” encompasses our very existence. And…

I have seen

I’ve seen swirling black flames, ominous in rainbow neighborhood, roof alit with tragic smoke of miseries past, present, and looming danger. Screaming I hear, a fight concurs, a phone hammers to the pavement. I’ve seen concrete blocks in a road, checkpoint for security they say, as starving, sad, worried faces peer through thick forest walls….

a whisp found and lost, flown away

My mind was a whisp of smoke, which disappeared and now I am left with exhaust June is here?!!!! Ooo la la….. on est dans les vapes. On revient dès qu’on peut. Enjoy ❤️

Head in the clouds, I have nothing planned……

Days melt into each other, moody, tearful, screaming in the wind while middle age family men laugh. Melting as rain falls through the cracks of despair….. This, a verse from October 2022, might become something we’ll write as a longer piece…. What shall we turn it into? Suspense …. anyways…. we will be presenting a…

Bubble wrap

I never even tried….. wrapped in bubble wrap, wound up so tightly, I thought I’d be safe this way… except that red kept brushing in and out, little streaks of ribbons flying in the wind, who gladly let them fly out as if to sea, waves rolling in gently, darkly, in a storm building inside…

une gelée de rimes

Je suis gelée, une gelée terrible heurtant chez Zéphir, nous sommes tous et toutes concernés, attention, ceci est inquiétude, des blocks se sont formés, je crois que je suis coincée l’histoire continuera plus tard, je ne saurais pas où perdre le cafard, je le prendrais avec moi sûrement I’m freezing, a terrible freeze has settled…