How to beat the algorithm said he.

I admit, I seem to be struggling these past many months. Understanding an algorithm was never my strong suit. Being a good marketing person, neither. My views are not very popular, perhaps. I have yet to ink out the rest of my story on rug weaving. My mother seems to have many ideas and yet…

To be under Damocles’ sword

A year ago, we wrote a piece on traumas we, east and south of the Mediterranean, must live with continuously in a vicious circle of non-recognition or of commodification, most of time both at the same time. It still rings true. And more trauma continues to downpour upon us as once more, again and again,…

The never-ending perpetual state of being

Ce décembre commence avec une saison de rouge brillant de lumières comme les autres années sauf pour une chose. La fatigue. Nous voyons une scène de Nativité à Bethléem sous des ruines de pierres et de béton. C’est une spécificité que pas beaucoup de gens en Occident ont envie de voir ni de regarder. Malheureusement,…

Ce cercle vicieux dans lequel nous nous trouvons

Ce weekend, j’ai lu un article, avec quelques propos intéressants et très curieux. C’était comme disent les Anglais “to fall through the looking glass”, tomber dans une autre sphère. J’étais prise en choque, en délire de fou, presque comme si on disait donner la vérité mais uniquement les vérités qui nous attirent. Au lieu d’accepter…

when the poppies cried their last

The poppies are drying up in their sacred fields. As their pulsating souls bleed out, we are not even allowed one minute of grief to ourselves. The bombs fall. The flames deepen their dance and rise higher and higher.  The doctors insist everywhere that they will stay put until the very end. The journalists warn…

Damocles’ sword or truth reporting?

Vocabulary is not simply about words on a blank page inking up line after line, paragraph after paragraph. Vocabulary is first a choice. Which narrative do we want to pursue? Which narrative do we want to present? There is  journalism out there, who wish to pursue the cash flow. There are those who want to…

Breaking points

Within the shades of mists, there are secrets. There are terrors. And there are complots. Amidst wars, we are often faced with news headlines full of warnings of genocide, massacres, destruction, belligerence and violent disregard for sovereignty. I also read and, as heart pangs and grows dangerously heavy,  wonder how much can we do, if…

At the turn of one page to another, something of a reading

Last week, we wrote on climate change and dangerous weird weather patterns.  Two weeks ago, we wrote about writing. This week, we’re catching up on readings. Do you know the phenomenon of opening up articles and thinking… “hmmmmm I’ll read it later.” ? “Later” becomes the next day, then the the next three weeks and…

As heat waves pass us by, how much longer?

Last year, CTS, the public transports of Strasbourg, decided that they would be free on days of extreme weather. The goal was to entice everyone to use public transports instead of driving the car. Furthermore, they wanted to emphasize the impacts extreme weather has on our societies and the planet. Today, in certain parts of…

the bearers and receivers and molders and the givers of

Pain. We are in a state of being, in which our bodies are in pain. The physical pain leaves us tired and worn. How about the other kind, the emotional pain? More than acts of kindness, we go through pain every day. Bullying is a common form of pain for disabled youth. It continues over…